Monday, December 26, 2011

X'mas 2011

My very first christmas tree from Ben Yaw when I bumped into him at Parkson. Kinda weird. But it's nice though :)

Yea it's christmas day. My family doesn't celebrate Jesus's birthday so this special day doesn't bring any meaning to mum and dad. I hope we'll have the chance to decorate the christmas tree one day. Before this I have to persuade them to go to the church first.

YAYY I went to 台湾小馆 for dinner today. I'm not going there anymore since they failed to serve me nice food for twice already. Even my mum can cook hundred times better -.-

My face always look bigger and rounder in photos. Or to be precise my face is indeed round and big .__.

Despite the lousy food we had a whale of a time. Being together with good friends always promises a good laugh. Sharon Kho never waste one second in hunting handsome guys who are always at least two years younger than her. Grace Ngu maintains her "over high" spirit and keep laughing by her own. Someone curses people so often that I've learnt to say the same thing everytime I'm nervous. We're parting in two weeks time but I think this brings no difference since we know we'll still keep in touch. This is called friendship!

*Siian and I can't find Wen Yen and Ah Then's photo. I think I didn't delete it oh D:


I bought the moon and star thingy at Imperial. Bought it simply because I feel like buying it. Btw I wore the butterfly ear ring yesterday for the first time after buying it for one year. It's so pretty but I just can't find other clothes to match with it on the other days.

Merry Christmas to all :)

Can't wait to countdown together with friends!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Shalala I've just edited the Html. This was my first time and I spent two hours on it. Posted in Chinese for too frequent!
Christmas is two days ahead. I hope mum would let me to go out with Likimxbb and Momo although I have only Rm 50 left in my purse. Even the super stingy Allan Chai has few hundreds HERH.
I'm in a good mood now but if someone can let me know how to edit more thingy that would boost up my mood :) someone help me *begging*
I feel like I'm making sentences now. Oh well just don't post anything if you don't have anything to talk about la. LOL
So, bye. AHAHA

Thursday, December 22, 2011

体重快50的我最近严重觉得我除了蝴蝶袖很恐怖之外,脸也越来越多肉 T___T
就太闷了啊. download 很多 nigahiga 和 wongfu production 的 videos. 一群很自豪的 asian. 身为 asian 的我当然要很支持啊! 不过不太喜欢 kevjumba. 目前很喜欢的 videos 有 valentine's day story 和 The inavigator. 最近有 Christmas swag 可是他们 rap 太快我听不懂 HMM ><
就最近很不想 text 所以很常就没 reply D; 尤其是 pys 的. 就刚刚被骂所以很不想嬉皮笑脸地玩 texting 啊. 我也不想.
olivia Ong 的“海枯石烂”就爆好听的啊! 还有刘子绚真的是爆美的. 很明显地我最近很迷“行医”哈哈~ 我还知道李铭顺40岁, 而美到到到到很厉害的刘子绚30有2了. 而那个我觉得虽然不会很美很美 但演戏不错的短头发女生叫庞蕾馨, 今年27, 而且从台湾来. 她的名字很美啊啊啊 *amplify 再 amplify* 除了那个“庞”字. 没什么嘛,就真的真的很闷才去做资料搜寻.
就这样啊啊啊 *严重AMPLIFY* 很闷的人生就还剩下两个星期. 我也只有那两个星期保持颓废. 啊哈! 忘了说,我卷头发了! AHAHA 张莉琴你也快一点啊 <3

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

最近真的很闷. 在家看了很多很多成龙的旧戏,每一个动作都不用替身,我想这是我从很小就开始很喜欢他的原因. 有没有一部动作片不含血腥而且还能让人发笑 ;d 目前除了jackie chan production 我还没找到ee ;P 57岁了,不知道什么时候我不再看到他拍戏. 所以,明年的《十二生肖》我一定一定要看aa!
考完事的生活真的很闷 D; 是该做点什么的. 曾经很有毅力地说我要学英文,到头来还是什么也没做 ._. 放在杂物房里很久了的doraemon还要好看得多.
还有两个礼拜多就去念书了. 为了离开而发生的很多不好的事情都变成了多余. 因为我突然不想离开妈妈. 很不想. 蔡眷霖在朋友家过夜了几天回家后说会想我,还很努力地说服我他不是因为uncle一家人的打呼声太大而睡不着时才想起我们. 我去了他应该也会想我吧 -.- 虽然少了个他口中的肥婆在叫他自己洗碗碟喝水限制他玩电脑的时间还有唠叨他冲凉刷牙不可以进去厕所没几分钟就光溜溜的走出来.
我还有很多想做的事情. 梦想和理想 我都会达到 ;D 我相信自己. 不过我现在最想要的还是除掉脸上疤痕.考试真的会留下痕迹. AND最近发现脸很多肉 @.@

Friday, December 2, 2011

我从来都不觉得我自己是一个人的 不过有时没有事做就会乱想一通 周围有太多的事美好得让人窒息 我却失去了欣赏它们的能力 强说愁一直都不是我做的事,却成了我在做的事 有太多太多的烦恼难以说出口 我甚至觉得说了也没有人会理我 想帮我的人满多 但改变不了什么 能帮我的我不想向他低头 倔强和固执是妈妈常要我改掉的缺点 也是我认为没有必要改掉但其实是我努力想改但改不掉的缺点 雯燕说我们去大学要来一个部落格记录生活 就好像很多年轻人那样去到那里拍到那里 我想一定很酷 但我不习惯跟别人说我的问题 这会显得我很弱很不成熟 偏偏生活中就是有很多这种不太美好的小污点 也许是我太要求完美 其实我也很想像别的女生那样得过且过来但那好像不是蔡倩宜 我说我长大要赚钱和家人环游世界 拜托让我完成心愿 我要交很多朋友 拜托让别人发现我 因为我真的很不会踏出第一步 我一直说服自己样貌不是最重要的 但是如果我真的这么想我又怎么那么有毅力减了二十多公斤 尤其是当有人告诉我我丑我却还能不可思议地说出:我懂啦 好啦考完试了我要开心一点 华文就算了吧 曾经信誓旦旦地说我要straightA+ 现在不要A-就好了 对于考试的要求越来越低 难怪妈妈会告诉我她很担心 别人念书我却在看连续剧 好吧 每次写完东西就会心情比较好 现在的我又要去追戏了 YAYY