Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The feeling when those old friends who share their everything with you doesn't bother to do the same anymore.

I was once the one who spoke so loud although we were in the public area. I mean at least not the one who just sit at the corner alone laughing at people's conversation.

It's not like I don't wanna speak my mindd but I just don't know what to say anymore.

Sometimes I think I've gone back to those years in primary school, the old days when the immature me got angry when I realized that best friend's best friend wasn't me. That was so very lame.

Of course I'm not so childish anymore because I think everyone needs A LOT OF BEST FRIENDS.

But I feel left out when there is a big group of people, but there is an awkward feeling telling me that

"You aren't belong to this group of people."

Maybe I'm thinking too much again.
stupid -_-
But just allow me please.

I hate to be ignored.
But at the same time I ignore certain people sometimes.
Soo irony but true.

我相机的tripod stand又不知道放到哪一个角落,尝试放在桌上录不过录几次fail几次,所以写东西比较实在。

五年级,5F 来了一个插班生,坐在我的后面,于是,小小胖胖的我后面坐了一个大大胖胖的蔡 净词。你没有用蓝钢笔插我的背后 LOL,不过不知道从几时开始,每一天的午餐时间,我都会把椅子转向后方,对着你的脸*呕*吃午餐。影响最深刻的事情:你的nuggets通常都是烧焦的。


至少看得出我比你开心 哈哈,你哭什么么么?

初一,我1B 你1C,不过隐约记得很有义气的我不时会不辞劳苦地爬四层楼梯去找你讲话。还有一起去食堂。就是那个时候,我们一起不知天高地厚地expand 再 expand :(


还有。很不可思议的是我们参加了concert 的招待组。

还是好胖但是越来越情义相挺的我们  第一次看见有人比V比到这么勉强

初三,不知道发生了什么事,不过好像是我的错,我们渐行渐远。哎呀不过不开心的事情不用去回忆那么多,它只是我们那么多年的回忆中的一个小小瑕疵。而就是因为这个小小的瑕疵才显得我们的友情对我来说有那么大大的重要性 :D

 初四,你突然要去离我们很远很远的Australia念书。我很不舍得,因为从此以后就没有人肯让我抱得有多紧就多紧而且永远不会把我推开,没有人陪我借上厕所的名义在上课的时候出去游校园,没有人陪我去食堂不过因为开始惧怕卡路里而一起不买食物,没有人会时不时text我就算我很常reply很短,没有人让我叫doraclaremon然后还一点都不生气,没有人一起喝咖啡熬夜背sejarah & biology,没有人会在半夜三四点call 我起床念书。

没有了 :(

走啦走啦走远远 我真的不会想念你

不过在我最最开心的form 4你还是会常常不请自来找我们 :p 你可以不要这么想念我们吗?




十八姑娘一朵花,你一定会开得很灿烂很灿烂 :)

Thursday, June 21, 2012

One of the things in my wish list :)

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Off to Brunei for Escapade Sushi.
Before that we went to Uncle Fook's house, which is located beside his kilang papan. 
Aunty has planted a lot of flowers and fruits since there is a wide land.

AH, and some chickens to wake them up in the morning.
A chicken 'who' never wanna look at my camera.
passion fruit.
idk what's this chilli thing but mum plucked a lot.
Almost got bitten by the bees. LOL 
It has been a long time since I see a hibiscus.

YAYY sushi time :))

the greatest mum in the whole wide world <3
pity you. 
so I'm not the one pinching his cheek okayy.
<3 wasabi
mixed vege tempura.
salmon head.
in short, sushi. the names are so hard to remember.
Eel something. btw this is nice :p
these two are my favorite LOL.
Allan Chai played with a sticky stick they used to catch those flies or mosquitoes and went to the toilet to wash his itchy hands. 

Here goes the two of us in front of the toilet door :p
two faced fatty.

Allan Chai held his breath in the bottom right picture. NOT obvious at all his tummy is still soo bigg.
Allan Chai said he wanna save some space in his stomach for the ice-cream. There wa no more space in his stomach after the sushi *I'm so sure* But this boy named Allan Chai can always manage to squeeze food into his stomach I WONDER WHY :O

someone is so afraid that his ice cream would drop to the floor when I asked him to terbalik it.

served upside down or it's free.
And it really almost dropped to the floor when I tried LOL -.-
Er actually I can't call them liars cause the ice-creams didn't fall off when they showed us the ice-cream in the upside down position. For about 0.5 second -.-

 Allan Chai's face expression was like someone forced him to swallow the ice cream.
I call this a poop vanilla ice cream HAHAHAH.

Hmm after all Mcflurry is still better.
I'm so hungry now. 
Weird way to end a post. HAHAHAH.

Sunday, June 10, 2012


Reading does makes some effects on me.
Borrowed “35岁前要注意的33个细节”.
The first topic is talking about gratitude.

' Thank God you are able to see the sun shines, for there are some who couldn't see.'
' Be thankful because you are able to jump around, there are some who spend their whole lives on the wheel chairs.'

Those lines used to be the popular lines in my essays back in form four and form five, they will be better if I could add in some idioms or phrases but I've forgotten LOL that's not the point.
I realised that there is no use if I only know how to write without appreciating things that happens around me, even those tiny little ones.

I have been complaining about my boring lifestyle for few months, what I do whole day are sleepingg, surfing and eating.
But no one asks me to do that LOL. Instead of complaining I myself should find something meaningful to do.
At least, do some house chores for mum. 

Evie Tan is so professional in spamming calls but still, she is the best mum everr.

I have been wondering why is Dad so unpredictable. Mum kept telling me that Kenny Chai missed me so much when I'm at Subang. But then when I'm back in Miri we have no topic to talk about. Sometimes not even a sentence for the whole day. I feel like I'm such a unfilial daughter. Dad has started to smoke now, maybe due to stress or whatever, since he doesn't bother to tell us about his problems. 
My biggest hope for now is that he could quit smoking.

No matter how he is still a hou lou dao.

I must learn to complain less. The old Sheryl Chai come back fast!

"Everything think positive" HAHAHAH
p/s that was my hand HAHHAHA

Friday, June 8, 2012

Went to Citrus with Evie Tan & Allan Chai. BAHAHA

to be honest the food is so so -.-
nyahh allan chai is so cute, my eyes are small -.-

& Evie Tan insisted to take photo with the bear LOL
rounder face? o.O
Forgive me for ending this post with my photo :p wo shuang. ehehehe
找人谈天也不是一件容易的事,尤其是对方和你话不投机,但是你又不好意思 ignore人家的时候。气氛会被 HAHA LOL 还有 lmao spam 得很干,但是碍于facebook 多了 last seen,所以硬生生回了一个 :D 给人家。 真的有够干。
噢! 还有,会硬生生回复 :D 的原因是知道被 ignore 有多么不爽。

即使我曾经认为我找到了一个可以一直 talk crap talk 到忘记时间的人, 我却还是会忘记,没有一个人是永远属于我的,除了爸爸妈妈。 不是要24小时保持联系还是什么的,我没有那么变态。不过, 在我低落的时候还是找不到人就是了。
还有,真的可以毫无保留地敞开心扉吗? 不可以,我怕我的任性还有不成熟会把人给吓跑。

我是真的很闷。曾经为了不想浪费青春而找来一本簿子写下人生一定要完成的十件事,还很自豪地告诉自己有一天一定一定会将已完成的目标一一删除,but hey, 现在那本蓝色簿子不见了。
我说我要保养皮肤锻炼身体,所以找来一大堆资料。结果统统忘光光,现在隐约记得好像是要每天吃yogurt tomato 还有牛奶之类的。拜托,tomato 我很喜欢, 但是我吃不下 yogurt。


我在想,我是应该去图书馆借一些除了九把刀和蝴蝶以外的书来看,例如“怎样做一个成功的人” 或者是 “如何在职场上生存” 之类的。再不然 “如何在生活中发现快乐” 也还不错。据说能提高涵养,让自己变成一个没有外表但至少还有智慧并且能够处变不惊的女人。 无奈只有17岁的我还真的很会用 ‘18岁都还没到做什么女人’ 的借口忽视这个其实真的很应该趁早提升自己的想法。


虽然我说我自己是一只既没有外表又不断补眠的猪,好像灰灰的, 不过我还是对七月过后的生活充满希望!
被逼着去 a level,不过我还是会很努力很努力试着拿到3.5,不让父母为大学出一分钱。
这一次一定不可以是纸上谈兵 :)

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Day out with chong li kim.
& we went to Sushi King :p

hee :)

This is how I eat wasabi HAHAHAH

AHA grandma said my face is so big until gia si lang -.- so hurt.

Diet plan failed, thanks to sushi. Rice = carbohydrates = fats = weight gain.
Argh. Someone says we can't stop girls from dieting because its like asking guys to stop playing online games. Good excuse right. Lol

BUHBYE. Gonna spend my night chasing drama :p

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

There are three drops of tears.
This is definitely not a lame love movie.
Here is the video.

Watch it before it is taken down from youtube LOL :p

Friday, June 1, 2012

When Sheryl Chai feels bore she starts chatting with sim simi. And her TC partners.
Although sim simi didn't say I'm pretty but Sim Simi is soo cute!
At least sim simi wouldn't ignore me -_-