Monday, August 20, 2012

Had a whale of a time during the past two days.

Went to Zoo Negara at Ampang (think so)on Saturday. While other volunteers were sweeping leaves and animals' poo poo I had got the chance to follow one of the zookeeper to feed the rabbits, flying squirrels, deer, hippos, toddycats, monkeys and blah blah AHAHAH I was truly luckyy :D

The Sang Kancil.
Bunnies! :p
This mini horse doesn't like taking photo I guess HAHAHAH

Alvin and I managed to hold a snake for the very first time YAYY. I thought it would be quite slimy or sticky but it wasn't. Instead, it was just like any other humans' body texture. 
I looked over excited LOL.

After finishing our duties we were allowed to roam around.
Finally I could see other wild animals other than those fat crocodiles in the Miri Crocodile Farm :p

I love this photo so much :)
& this elephant danced in front of us ;)
I wonder if it was pooping or praying HAHAHAH
Not sure about their name :p
Bagdes from Animal Huggers Club <3 i="i">

Went to KLCC on the following day with Joyce and Janice the two Sabahians.
I was truly blessed to have met them here :))

This was only the second time I took KTM since January. Boh bian my Sam classmates were too kind that they drove us to many places EHEHE.

Janice & I 

P/s: AHAHAH there are still a few months ahead before I turn 18 so no entrance ticket was required!
Shopped for about four hours plus until it was almost 8pm when we finally decided to leave the book fest -_-

The Twin Tower at night.
 And then three of us tried to squeeze ourselves into the camera screen.
This is the best photo we could take after trying for a couple of times.
Cam-whoring in the toilet again HAHAHAHAH

BAH failed again, joyce wasn't inside.
Finally :) three of us.

At candylicious :)
On the way back to Casa.
 Yuuhuu and I've forgot to mention about the books I bought.
This is the back cover of the book written by 吴若权.
By the way Giddens will be at the book fest on 25 August! :( Gonna miss it again. 
Suits me a lot.
I can never resist myself from buying all thesee :O
The pictures inside.
Joyce keep saying that I can find recipes on the internet but yet I still bought them cos it's only RM9.90 each. AHHAHAHHAHA
:'( this is sooo tempting.

Spent two hours on this post till I've forgotten to hang my clothes. 
LALA I'm feeling so happy right now cos I have honey star in the cupboard, milk in the fridge and many friends around me :D

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