Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Lots of things to do.
But I am still spending my time finding out how to edit html, I want my blog to be prettier. Noober I still have no any ideas about it. I typed "how to modify blogspot" and google search. It doesn't help TT

Yea my schedule is so full *not to compare with bb members.Lol I am supposed to sleep at home or watch Autumn Concerto over and over again (Vanness Wu and Ady Ann are super duper GREAT),or even bakes some muffins..I miss apple+raisins muffins..Oh yea.Downloads more Vanness's songs even though I don't know what's he singing ==


It doesn't matter if you don't treat us as your friends. But you don't have the rights to scold us MEI YOU NAO. Kanasai. If you are the only leader, people who attend the practice will be much more less.LESS!

Whee. Forget about it. Grandma just came back from Sdyney and she bought us many DARK/WHITE CHOC ^^ Gonna turn fat.

Aha I found my spectacle. Not really happy about it because there will be no more excuse for me to buy contact lens. Going out tomorrow but not sure if I have the courage to buy it without letting my mum know about it.

Ahh. Choral Speaking. Competition is getting nearer and nearer. Add oil. It's so unbelievable that I am one of this team. Lol Cihui keep telling us to mix around with new students. But how am I going to do so when I keep yawning. So tired.

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