Wednesday, March 21, 2012

What a weird feeling. I shouldn't feel so. LOL. Feeling shitty right now.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Stuffs I did today.
Alcohol, Carboxylic acid, Ketone & Aldehyde
I lovee Chemistry Lab Session soo much :))

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Cough syrup

It makes me feel so warm :))

Monday, March 12, 2012

Waiting for your call, I'm sick, call I'm angry 
call I'm desperate for your voice 
Listening to the song we used to sing 
In the car, do you remember 
Butterfly, Early Summer 
It's playing on repeat, Just like when we would meet
Like when we would meet 

Cause I was born to tell you I love you 
and I am torn to do what I have to, to make you mine 
Stay with me tonight 

Stripped and polished, I am new, I am fresh 
I am feeling so ambitious, you and me, flesh to flesh 
Cause every breath that you will take 
when you are sitting next to me 
will bring life into my deepest hopes, What's your fantasy? 
(What's your, what's your, what's your...)

Cause I was born to tell you I love you 
and I am torn to do what I have to, to make you mine 
Stay with me tonight 

And I'm tired of being all alone, and this solitary moment makes me want to come back home 
(I know everything you wanted isn't anything you have) 

Cause I was born to tell you I love you 
and I am torn to do what I have to, to make you mine 
Stay with me tonight 

Cause I was born to tell you I love you 
and I am torn to do what I have to, to make you mine 
Stay with me tonight 
(I know everything you wanted isn't anything you have)

*Addicted to this song. P/S: I'm not missing anyone else except my mum and my friends :)

Sunday, March 11, 2012

17.5 years old 
In 5 more years time

The 0.5 is kinda important, I don't want to be legal yet :p
Went out from 12 noon till 12pm yesterday. Sunway Pyramid is huge but I still found it a boring place because I didn't have the bloody money to spend D;
Thats how i ended up in Padini's fitting room, trying OL's suit :p
And I realised I don't look like a OL :X

Oh ya. "The woman in black" is seriously a lousy movie. Wasted my four hours wandering around the shopping mall waiting to get into the cinema. And my dear RM14 movie ticket D;

Friday, March 9, 2012

就算是很小很小的事情,都可以让我在每天啃书啃到半夜一两点之余觉得不孤单 :)

当我每天都尝试escape MR Rice, 不再吃同样的炒青菜加酸甜鸡时,爸爸bank in钱,告诉我:ah girl, 拿去吃好料时,我开始在房间开始哼起歌来 ;pp
于是,我一面啃chemistry notes,和他们一起喝了我人生中第三杯starbucks :))

当爸爸妈妈不断叮咛你不要太轻易相信大城市里的人时,我觉得很幸运很幸运,因为我认识了一个跟家人去金马伦高原玩时,还会记得我们这几个所谓住在树上的sarawakians,买了几罐果酱让我们配面包当早餐 :))

from Cherlyn Tay :))
还有,就算是你上课不小心打瞌睡,没有抄到spec math 笔记,她甚至还会自告奋勇,问了你的email,回家scan给你.

身旁不断地有人对你好,尤其是当一个人每个礼拜搭飞机回家乡,回来时一定会带些饼干,月饼或者是big apple donuts给你的时候,虽然好像有一点不应节 :p

还有还有!终于做到了reflux :p
Reflux process
99% concentrated alcohol tested with potassium dichromate solution :)

 还有!我终于发现到了好吃又便宜的Mum's bake饼干。脱离几天吃soda饼配milo当早餐的日子 XD


Monday, March 5, 2012

What happen when you throw your keys to someone from the second floor? :x
From Taylor's second floor
This is what happened to my duck keychain :(

Hey duck. Y U NO HINDBRAIN?!

Luckily it still have its head :p
Exams on the next day. Wish me luck :))